Atomic Absorption

Tutorial #4: Questions & Answers

This presentation includes a series of attendee questions submitted at a recent seminar focusing on real-world tips and tricks to help atomic absorption users with operation and maintenance.



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Tutorial #3: Maintenance, Consumables & Resources

Here you will hear some recommended maintenance schedules for flame atomic absorption instrumentation, to help you achieve good and consistent performance. Guidelines on recommended consumables and supplies that you should stock are also outlined.



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Tutorial #2: Improving Performance

This tutorial will highlight the top 5 tips for improving and optimizing the performance of your flame atomic absorption instruments. Potential issues that can impact on performance will be outlined and advice on maintenance to avoid common problems will be covered.



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Tutorial #1: Types & Performance of AA Lamps

This tutorial will highlight the common types of lamps that are available for use with AA instrumentation. These ‘hollow cathode’ lamps are required for each element that needs to be determined. Performance and lifetime advantages of Agilent lamps will also be addressed.



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